Manage Captured Image Screen

This screen manages captured images. You can not only confirm the content but also delete or backup the captured images.

Captured Date

Selection of captured date. The images in the selected dates are listed in the middle of the box(②).

Selection of images

Slected image's information is shown on ③ and  ④. You can select multiple images for deletion or saving as DPX file.

If the captured images is used by LOOK, you will not be able to use full resolution image on LOOK management functions.

Meta data table

Selected image's information is shown on ③ and  ④. You can select multiple images for deletion or saving as DPX file.

Archive and Restore

You can archive currently selected date's images into one zip file. It's useful when backuping or moving data to other PC.

Restore function is to unfold the zip file created by this function and add the data into capture image management function.